Anytime EJD drops new work, I get excited. And just like I do when all his books are released, I ran to cop this one. No matter what EJD writes, I can assure you a few things for certain: 1. You gon’ learn a few new words. Big words. Small words. Words from other languages. Oh, you gon’ learn today! 2. You will meet at least three characters who will stick with you long after the books ends. 3. You will find Black women. Beautiful Black women. Black women of all shades, sizes and hues. Smart, cultured Black women. You may even find a few crazy Black women, but you know, Black women. 4. You will find Black men. Beautiful Black men. Fine-arse Black men. Black men who make you want to jump through the pages and lay yourself bare. Black men who love Black women. Black men protecting Black women. Black men of all shades, sizes and hues. You will find a few crazy-arse Black men who will beat you (other men) to death with bare hands or shoot the sh*t out of you or beat y